Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia, Kansas, Rejoice in the Vibrancy of Mission in Brazil

Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia

Left: Sister Larissa professing her vows during Mass with Sister Nair, Regional 
Coordinator, receiving her vows in the name of the Congregation. Right: Sister 
Larissa stands before the words “Here I am, Lord” (theme of the celebration, from Isaiah 6:8) 

On January 28, 2023, Larissa Thamires de Sousa Bezerra, CSJ, professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, in Teresina, PI, Brazil. She was surrounded by community, family and friends. Sister Larissa joins two other young women who have professed vows in the last two years: Sisters Walquíria and Domingas.

They are vital participants in the mission and ministry of the Congregation in the northeast of Brazil, known for its warm-hearted people, poverty, long dry seasons and rural lifestyle. These young Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia serve in their faith communities, while continuing their formal education and giving priority to the joys and demands of religious life. Sister Larissa is now serving in the city of Caxias with three other Sisters.