Living Faith Ambassadors: Using the Power of Prayer to Eradicate Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a global problem, and it’s not a new one. As opponents of the abhorrent practice do everything they possibly can to battle against the traffickers, it can seem like an uphill battle. Especially as reports such as the following from the United Nations website are published: Child trafficking, trafficking for forced labor, …

Synod: The People of God Sharing the Common Sense of Their Baptismal Faith

By Sister of St. Joseph, Catherine Michaud, Ph.D.       The plan for a synodal Church germinated during Vatican Council II (October 1962–December 1965) when there was not yet a term for it. At first, the Council used the word “collegiality” to describe a new style of leadership involving cooperation and sharing of the Church’s ministries and …

Sophia Center Hosts Bilingual Catholic Women’s Day Event

On April 14, 2024, more than 90 women from Kansas and Missouri came to the Mount for “Catholic Women’s Day: A Bilingual Benedictine Experience. “The day was facilitated by Mary Kay Whitaker, of Sophia Spirituality Center, and Karla Melgar, a consultant for the Archdiocesan Evangelization Office. After gathering for coffee at Sophia Center, the guests …

SCL Community Represented at Medicaid Expansion Hearings

Several Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Associates, SCL Staff, and volunteers attended the first hearing in four years on expanding Medicaid in Kansas. Today’s hearing at the Capitol in Topeka was packed with supporters of the cause. Kansas is one of 10 states that has not yet expanded Medicaid, of which 90% of the cost …

Kansas Governor proclaims March 8-14 Catholic Sisters Week

On February 20, ten Sisters from five communities traveled to Topeka for a special meeting. Governor Laura Kelly signed a proclamation that March 8-14, 2024, be declared Catholic Sisters Week in the state of Kansas. The communities represented were Adorers of the Blood of Christ in Wichita, the Benedictines in Atchison, the Sisters of Charity …

CSOK Attends Medicaid Expansion Rally in Topeka

On Wednesday, March 6, six Sisters joined members of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth staff, and two of their Associates in Topeka for a rally to support the expansion of Medicaid in Kansas. Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and Sisters of St. Joseph of Concordia were represented in Topeka. The Sisters who attended were …

Eco-Challenge: Wrap responsibly

This article is republished with permission and is part of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet’s monthly Eco-Challenge series, which can be found at Gift green this holiday season It’s a familiar scene around the holidays or after birthday celebrations. After all the presents have been opened, someone comes around with a trash …

Rural Healthcare Round Tables

Thrive Kansas and the United Methodist Health Ministry Fund invite the public to a conversation on the future of rural health, Medicaid expansion, and for a resource rally to better connect rural Kansans to available services. Part of the presentation will address the need for Medicaid expansion to rural communities.  This has been an essential issue for …